COELMO® has a system of Management Certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, SA 8000:2014, ISO 45001, combining so the latest technologies with the experience of those who work in this field since three generations.
COELMO® has also obtained the certification by the Customs Agency AEOF (Authorised Economic Operator), acquiring a specific position in the international logistics that identifies it as reliable and safe in the supply's chain.
COELMO® is a certified brand according to system IT01 - 100% Original Italian Quality.
COELMO® spa has received, for excellence and high growth potential, the ELITE - Borsa Italiana Quality Certificate, joining a selected international community consisting of the best companies, leading banks, private equity and institutional investors, Borsa Italiana professionals.
Company Policy.
The Management of COELMO® provides clear guidelines, transmitted and shared at all levels of the company organization and all the people who work for it. During the course of its activities, it engages in general to:
- Maintain an integrated management system for Quality, Environment, Safety and Social Responsibility and gender opportunities satisfying all requirements contained in the respective reference standards;
- Communicate with external stakeholders (public administration, customers, suppliers, local communities, etc..) in order to provide the information necessary to understand the environmental impact of business operations, pursuing an open dialogue and to inform them of the quality of its products and corporate performance;
- Promote the responsibility of the staff at all levels that works for the organization to; environmental protection, spread of the culture of quality, safety and social responsibility with awareness programs, information and staff training;
- Maintain compliance with all the applicable laws and regulations on environmental and absolute respect for the laws on security matters and health at work, accident prevention, handling of the wage of the workers and application of the national contracts of the category;
- Pursue the continuous improvement in the environmental performances and production processes, using the best technology, compatibly with the available resources;
- Continue the responsible approach to social problems work pursuing its way to a culture of Social Responsibility
- safeguard the health and safety of workers through a continuous process of identification and assessment of the risks present in the workplace and a constant application of technical and organizational measures to improve the reduction of these risks.
Quality Objectives.
- complete satisfaction of customers needs expressed and unexpressed
- definition and review of the specific objectives for the quality of processes;
- Continuous monitoring of business process and resolution in time of the not-conformities;
- Continuous improvement of the professional skills of its employees through training programs aimed to the increasing of the several professional skills;
- Analysis of information, comments and complaints from the customers as a tool for measuring the quality in the manufactured products;
- Compliance with laws and regulations governing the realization of products and services;
- Periodic review of the policy to determinate their continue fitness and timeliness.
Objective for Social Responsability.
- Promote initiatives for the spreadness and awareness of social responsibility towards its employees, suppliers and all stakeholders;
- Contribute, wherever possible, to improve the economic, environmental and social impact of the internal and external stakeholders;
- Create and maintain a business context based on the legality, support of human rights, child protection, workplace safety, equal opportunities and respect for the workers’ rights, reconciliation life time / work and flexible hours;
- create and maintain a work environment to enhance the gender differences in order to improve the quality of life / work of all employees;
- create and maintain a listening and mediation point through a booth dedicated to the resolution of the conflict;
- create maintain and develop the skills of staff at all levels, equally with the goal of equal opportunities.
Objectives for Equal Ppportunities.
- To apply the principle of equal dignity at the work place;
- Overcoming gender stereotypes;
- To prohibit recruitment, marketing and carrier discrimination;
- To apply specific actions to improve the flexibility of working hours in order to balance out the quality of work and private life ;
- To create and maintain a working environment that values the gender differences in order to improve the employee’s working and private life;
- To create and maintain a listening and meditation point dedicated to resolving conflict;
- To approve career advancement solely based on employee’s skill, ability and professional potential;
- To create, develop and maintain the skills of staff at all levels to the same extent of equal opportunities;
- To train and familiarize the values of diversity (religion, sex, etc) to all levels of the organization;
- To periodically monitor the progress of equal opportunities and identify possible improvements;
- To provide tools that facilitate the reconciliation of work and private life;
- To communicate to the commitment taken regarding the culture of equal opportunities to the staff;
- To have external witnesses of the applied cultural policies and the results;
- To defend the image of men and women in public advertisements respecting their dignity and ethic.
Objectives for the Environment and the Health and Safety in the workplace.
COELMO® has identified areas within the integrated management of the company for environmental and health and safety that require priority attention and has the following objectives:
- Assess in advance the environmental aspects / impacts resulting from direct and indirect new projects, services and activities of the organization, also in order to manage its supply chain in line with the principles of environmental protection and safety of workers;
- Analyze the aspects relating to Health and Safety carefully during the design of new machinery and the definition phase of new activities or existing ones that have been revised;
- Maintain our current and future activities and processes in conformity to the rules and regulations relating to Environment, Health and Safety requirements;
- Implementation of preventive measures and risk protection for the reduction / elimination of possible accidents and injury to health arising from work activities at the manufacturing plant and at external sites;
- Improve monitoring of residual risk in order to minimize the risk through continuous improvement actions;
- Contribute in increasing awareness towards the protection of the Environment and Security in the countries where the company operates, ensuring high and constant internal standards regardless of the regulations;
- Promote the culture of Safety and Health even externally by increasing awareness and active confrontation with customers and suppliers, contributing to increase levels of safety of their employees;
- Increase the purchase of "green products" and the number of suppliers who care for the protection of the environment;
- Continuously monitor the presence of hazardous substances within the plant and ensure the minimization of risks related to their dispersion into the environment;
- Provide our staff and all those who come to work at our site and the necessary operational tools and a formation for the type of work to be carried out, keeping all operators up to date on of the environmental and safety effects that derive from their activities;
- Implement a consistent and timely verification of compliance with legal obligations;
- Promote to all company personnel, information activities, education, training in environmental , health and safety subjects;
- Improve the combustion performance of products designed to protect air quality;
- Optimize the use of natural and energetic resources through the use of renewable energy;
- Increase the number of used vehicles with low environmental impact;
- Improve the management of generated waste, in order to achieve a reduction of the quantity produced, and seek the most appropriate method of collection, transportation and final destination;
- Monitor the consumption of natural resources (raw materials, energy, water, etc..) in order to reduce potential waste, and where possible, apply recovery systems and try to re-use the material;
- Improve the involvement and participation of the entire corporate structure in accordance with its capabilities and skills to achieve the identified environmental and safety objectives.
COELMO® Management is committed to putting in place all measures and resources needed to achieve those objectives and principles, in line with the orientation to the improvement of business performances and conditions of workers in respect of quality, environment, social responsibility and security and health in workplaces, and to review periodically this policy in order to keep it always in line with the current developments and legislation.